Wednesday, September 2, 2015

#2getherwearebetter LINKY! My Classroom Reveal!

I am so excited to share my classroom with you! It is a place that I love, and it is definitely a place my students love! This is the view walking into my classroom. I feel like a have a decent sized classroom with PLENTY  of storage. I have finally tackled a few closets this summer, and more organizing this next summer. 

This is my teacher area. Disclaimer, I was going to organize and make it look al perfect with no piles, but #reallife this is what it looks like 93% of the time. I removed my teacher desk at the beginning of last year because I learned it was just an excuse for my to not put things away. I had been teaching for 3 months, and it looked like I had been in that classroom for 10 years! It's so nice having my teacher desk right by my small group table, everything I need it right there.

Here is how I organize the materials for the week. Its pretty simple, there is one container for each day, and in each are folders with the subject. Everything I need for the week is right there ready to go!

These are my math stations. My organization for these are pretty simple. Each group has a bin, and each day the work they need for that day are in the bin! It's that easy. My bins are from the Container Store, and the colors are paint chips I got for free from Lowes! My roommate was thinking when she recommended that!

This is my favorite place in the entire room! My classroom library! I have quotes and genre posters all over the wall to excite my students. My library is organized by genres mostly, but another section is more book store style. I have pillows and seats for them to get comfy while they read. Another thing I started this year, because of one of my genius students, is the Wish List. We use this binder to write down books people are waiting on from another students. GENIUS! 

Here is our computer station. I am lucky to have 5 computers in my classroom. Word on the street is that we will be getting rid of these and will go to 5 laptops per classroom, and oh the possibilities with this area! I'll keep you posted on that!

Butler, Indiana, Purdue, Notre Dame, and Ball State
When I was a student teacher in this exact room, my cooperating teacher did this and I took her idea! My table groups are not numbers, yet colleges in Indiana. I know they are only in 5th grade, but I like to but the bug in their ear about college! It's never too early to start talking and thinking about it!

When I tell my students to "come to the carpet", this is where we meet. I love this space, there is lots of learning happening here! My rocking chair was actually my grandma's, and after she passed away my dad made sure I got it for my classroom because she was a teacher too. Definitely a special part of my classroom. We are also lucky enough to have Promethean Boards. I have a love/hate relationship with it because it never works, but don't get me wrong I am not complaining.

Last year, I didn't have a writing center, so it was a priority for me this year! Its a place for my students to get the materials they need for writing. (Notice the coffee in the corner, very important!) I also am the only room in my school that doesn't have a sink right here, so I am taking advantage of the space I am given!

I am so glad you stopped by to check out room F1! I tell my kids we are in room F1 because we have the most fun! (it rhymes when you say it out loud). If you have any questions about anything in my room, feel free to email me at



  1. I'm in love with this black and white theme.. and all the polkadots!! So cute. So much great stuff going on here! Love LOVE LOVE everything!

    -Jess aka
    The Whimsical Teacher

  2. Such an adorable classroom!! Love it! And I think having your grandmother's rocking chair in your room is so sweet! What a precious and special treasure!!!!

    xoxo, Danielle from Once Upon First Grade

    1. Thank you Danielle! I appreciate you stopping by!
